2 Used Mazda CX-9s in Cincinnati, OH

There are only 2 vehicles that match your search. Adjust filters to view additional vehicles near you.
*Vehicle prices exclude taxes and finance charges and, subject to state law, exclude doc fees up to $599 and other applicable fees. Vehicles available for sale at the identified location only.
NW Cincinnati
2019 Mazda CX-9 Touring
49,866 Miles
$24,695 Price*
$Lock Icondown $Lock Icon/mo
SE Cincinnati
2021 Mazda CX-9 Touring
42,158 Miles
$25,095 Price*
$Lock Icondown $Lock Icon/mo
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Buying a Cincinnati Mazda CX-9 at DriveTime

Used Mazda CX-9s in Cincinnati aren’t hard to come by. What is hard is finding a car dealer who is going to make your purchase of a used Mazda CX-9 easy and enjoyable. At DriveTime Cincinnati we simplify the used car shopping process so you can find the right Mazda CX-9 for you.

The Mazda CX-9s we show online are the same vehicles we have waiting for you on our sales lot. Sort our Mazda CX-9’s by year and mileage to browse our newest options. Some of our Mazda CX-9s even come with unique features like premium speakers, satellite radio and integrated entertainment systems. Explore color options — both inside and out — to add that final touch.

Once you’ve found the Mazda CX-9 for you, get to your nearest Cincinnati DriveTime to see it in person. Get behind the wheel of what could be your very own Mazda CX-9 at Cincinnati DriveTime today!

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